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Partial Client List

For the past 13 years, B&G has translated sensitive, essential student data such as:

  • IEPs

  • Outbound parental communications

  • Web copy

  • Social media posts

  • Operations manuals

  • Student handbooks

We are certified US Federal translation vendors on the General Services Administration (GSA).

This means we are one of only 95 translation companies nationwide certified to provide translation service a to the US Federal Government (FBI, Airforce, Navy, Army, DoD, DEA, etc.)

Here is a short list of a few of our satisfied, recurring clients:


  • Vanderbilt University

  • Brandeis University

  • The Drug Enforcement Administration

  • The US Department of State

  • The US Embassy in Harare, Zimbabwe

  • 15 Public School Systems in the USA

  • Flexi Africa (E-commerce firm)

  • A $30M/year publisher in New England (name redacted upon client request)

  • Winchester Police Department (Winchester, MA)

  • The son of a former President (name withheld for security reasons)

I'm looking to meet public school system superintendents, Directors of Special Education, and any Federal entity leader who needs translation services.

We will also help corporate leaders like CEOs, Sales Directors, Marketing Directors and Social Media Directors with translating your web copy, social media, operations manuals, outbound client communications, etc. into 190 languages.

Our own in-house network consists of multi-ethnic and multi-lingual academics with masters degrees and/or PhDs in their field from major, accredited universities.

This is how you know with B&G, you are only getting translation work from top talent.

Our main differentiator is our people.

To learn how to work with us, and for pricing and services, or to just geek out about languages, translation, and communication email me, Justin Pickering, Founder [at]

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65 Eastern Avenue

Woburn, MA 01801

Tel: (781) 240-9995

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© 2023 Blaine & González, LLC

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